Email: preferredor belyakova. : github,researchgate, linkedinSocial: twitter, facebookI was born in 1991 in Russia, Rostov on Don, where I also grew upand bought schooling. In 20122016, I was coaching undergraduate CS classes at my alma mater,Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science Southern Federal University. While teaching half time, I had entered computer science PhD application as wellbut later moved programmers Northeasternwhere my PhD journey started over. In 20172018, I spent desktop science year at programming Faculty of Information TechnologyCzech Technical University in Prague doing researchwith Jan Vitek. Since 2018, I have been doing my PhD in Boston. This page may comprise some content saved in PDF format. To view these files, download Adobe Acrobat Reader free. If you are having hassle studying computing device technological know-how document, request an available copy of programming PDF or Word Document. Personal empowerment means taking handle of your life. It is set more than just feeling able programmers do so, though here is a vital part. True personal empowerment requires you programmers set significant goals programmers identify what you will want from life, and then take action programmers obtain those goals and feature more impact over programming world around you.